02 September 2008

Hey man, nice shot!

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come."

~Victor Hugo

Obviously, at least to me...now...at this time in my brief history on this spinning blue orb we call our home; the dream is DEAD. Stick a fork in it, trampled underfoot, left rotting on the side of the road...DEAD. The dream (or idea, depends on your point of view) of going overseas and getting ahead in life versus just marking time...It's DEAD! The biggest plus (to put a positive spin on it) is that I won't die or get injured in some far away country. But, really, that's the only plus. It's not that I had some freaked-out death wish (which some of you thought); no, I was reaching for my own personal slice of the American Dream. Somehow, the ladder to that dream turned out to be a few rungs short. Maybe it was a step ladder. I reached the top step, reached out for it, and lo & behold, face-plant back to earth before you can start cheering. The time has NOT come for that idea; not now, nor, I fear ever.

When life hands you lemons...throw them in the trash. I really don't like lemons. They don't have much use in my book. Come to think of it, they're alot like life; rather bitter.

I'm not really sure where this leaves me at this point in time. Wondering... guessing... in debt... WAIT a minute! I've got IT! I'm already living the American Dream!!! I've got to figure, if GOD's testing me... it must be one hell of a LOOOOOOOONG test! Pass, fail or break even; I'm ready for it to be done.

Please, don't get me wrong, or misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm thankful, beyond belief, for my children and my very loving wife. Without them, what's the point of it? I just want to be able to provide more than "just living" for them.

There are so many things I want to do. Come hell or high water, I'll do them. Ciao.

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